Friday, May 19, 2006

Nedrenaline Pumps A Victory!

Ned Lamont, the Democratic primary challenger to CT Sen. Joe Lieberman has managed to land himself a spot on the official primary ballot in the CT Democrat primary in August. Lamont needed 15% of delegates to the state convention to place his name on the official ballot, and Lieberman's goon tactics and machine style politics were threatening to keep him off the slated ballot, forcing him to gather signatures in a field campaign to get on the August ballot.

Now the Lamont campaign can get down to the brass tacks of persuading Democrats in CT to vote for him on the ballot instead of having to gather signatures. This ought to have a serious effect on the Lieberman outfit, now that they must defend a challenger in the primary with serious support.

The anti-incumbent crusade in this country is gathering steam and is taking out the most egregious defenders of the status quo. Entrenched politicians like Lieberman who have failed to listen to the voters in their constituency are paying the price for their arrogance and this is the latest of what will hopefully be a string of voter induced retirements to come this fall.


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